I have replayed the show on all platforms, taking improvement notes for myself but more importantly, I’ve seen all of your comments. Consider them all ❤️ hard! I have seen through all the Paypal transfers and seen all your donations and comments. I have gotten my Vipps (Norwegian mobile payment system) statement and seen all your transfers and comments. Thank you!
I am amazed, and deeply moved, by everyone’s generosity and also your funny and touching messages! There are too many to reply individually (and on Vipps I only get your name and amount, no other personal number or contact info) but please know I have seen and saved everything.
Watchers where from Australia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.S.A.. I’m sure I missed some, these are just the countries I picked up from hellos in comments, I haven’t seen direct geostats yet.
I’m currently reviewing the show on my end, my own performance and what I think worked and not, and will improve for next time. This is a great platform, I’m excited to develop more material for this and grow this into it’s own thing. It won’t replace live shows, they will both coexist, they both have strengths and challenges, I’m eager to do both. Right now though, the streaming option is the only option 🙂 Looking forward to seeing you there, here is a bunch of stills from the stream and livingroom setup.