Live music videos in Barcelona

A great disturbance in the cyber: January 19th to 22nd 2017 we are creating live music videos at Hiroshima, Barcelona. “There Is…

Häxan soundtrack release

Häxan is the soundtrack to silent classic docu-horror Häxan – Witchraft Through The Ages, featuring Thomas T Dahl on electric guitar. Download or stream…

Live at InShadows, Lisbon, Portugal

December 3rd I’m performing There Is No Here, Here at the InShadows Festival in Lisbon, Portugal. There Is No Here, Here uses Ugress music to…

New Ugress website

The new website concentrates on major Ugress releases and events. Weirder artworks, comissions, soundtracks and stage work is handled by the GMM composer…

Stjerneføyk – Live at Finse, Norway

We’re performing Stjerneføyk at Finse, on May 17th 2016. Stjerneføyk is a post-romantic national-electronic work based on famous Norwegian stars of the previous century,…

Live performances in Barcelona

March 25 and 26 I will perform the newest version of “There Is No Here, Here“, a realtime music-video performance, at Sala…

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